Death Planted A Garden
Pop Box Gallery, in collaboration with The Art Chose Me and Queen Street Magic Boat, presents Death Planted a Garden, our third curatorial residency at Queen Street Magic Boat in Durham, NC, September 6 - October 20, 2024.
Friday, September 6, 6-8pm: Opening Reception
Thursday, September 15, 2-5pm, Creative and Legal Psychiatric Advance Directives
Friday, September 20, 6-8pm: Third Friday Durham
Thursday, October 3, 6:30pm: Slow Art Tour
Friday, October 11, 6-8pm: Artists Talk
Friday, October 18, 6-8pm: Closing Reception
About The Exhibit
Twenty-two Triangle-based artists traverse seascapes, dreamscapes, space-scapes, and soundscapes that span—out, up, inward, and underground—from the moment of a death. Visual, sound, literary, and multidisciplinary creators explore their lived experiences of loss: loss of a loved one, a culture, an identity, a pet, a neighborhood, a potted fern, a coral reef. How do these deaths connect us to rage, to echo, to breath, to hauntology, to the yellow Dollar General Sign on a hill once-wooded?
Featured Artists
Hiva Kadivar
echo hower
Jodi Hart
Kaleidoscopic Dream Projexns
Jim Lee, Ossuary for the Agile One, Photography, 2019